It is only the 7th day of April and already Murphy’s Law is at work, well not that it ever stops. Just a few days ago when my 2 year old was still sick and I was getting up a few times a night to soothe a coughing baby, we had yet another reason to stay up at 4am. My dear husband woke up after just going back to sleep with a terrible back pain, constant and not planning on leaving anytime soon. He woke me up and said he was going to drive himself to the ER before it got so bad he couldn’t drive.
Of course even with the little sleep I had had, I didn’t go back to sleep till I heard from him again. He called shortly thereafter and told me that he had just passed a small pellet sized kidney stone. The doctors gave him a presciption for pain and he was on his way home. Ah the catch his cost was $150.00 plus I am sure we will get a bill in the mail for more. Then 10.00 for his meds.
Earlier in the week the kids were sick with colds, and my 5 year old was complaining his ear was hurting, so I took both kids in to see the doctor. It turns out they both had ear infections in the left ear, so 40.00 for that visit and 20.00 for the antibiotics. So our unexpected expenses for this month so far are $240.00
These things are part of life and we are doing our best to stay on track with our debt reduction and so far have not had to dip into savings for these expenses. I am cutting down here and there mostly on our grocery bill to help cover these unexpected things.