Used Spellbinder kit March 2019

Craft, Create, Celebrate Life
by Sandra
by Sandra
I used to crochet a bunch, but have put it on the back burner for a while. Now I would like to start up again with a few simple projects.
Dishcloth pattern, easy enough for a beginner.
Easy button flowers
by Sandra
One of my goals for this year is to blog more frequently. The move was very tiring and I am so glad it’s behind us now.
Now to unpack and organize as much as I can. The apt is smaller than our home which means many items will stay in boxes.
by Sandra
We finally arrived with our first truck to the apt tonight. All our stuff didn’t fit into the truck so we will have to go back for the rest of it soon. We will need another whole 26 ft. truck for the boxes that were left behind.
For now I have plenty to unpack and keep me busy.