Last week on this day our family was in S. Florida celebrating Father’s Day with my family in Fl.
This week I am missing the hustle and bustle of the family being around. My husband and I have decided we are in a rut. We chose to stay home all the time and the days are long and mostly the same for us here at home in OK.
We have given it some thought and this week tried a new church, which we both seem to like. We even took a walk to the mall which we have not done in months and months. We then went to Sam’s Club to buy our favorite frozen fruit.
I must say I enjoyed our walk in the mall, watching all the people and watching our one year old just look around at all the new surroundings. I bought some lotion and body spritz that I had been wanting to buy.
Now we are back home again and its hot and humid outside, the lawn is calling at my husband to mow it. He in turn is really wanting to turn his head and pretend he doesn’t hear it calling. Yet as he looks over to all our neighbors lawn he can’t ignore its calling. He must mow at least the front lawn later this afternoon.