I have scoured thru our bills and have downgraded our tv to the most minimal pkg and have also eliminated the pest control company.
I will start to do the pest control myself till it is absolutely necessary to go back to the pest control company which I hope is not for a long time.
My husband has been doing his own brainstorming and has come up with a way we think we can sell the house and move into an apartment. I pray that it works out for us we won’t know till after the new year if it will work out. Once we are out of the house, our financial stress will decrease quite a bit and we will be able to breath easier.
As of right now we are cutting really really close we have approx 40.00 if that for the unexpected expense, which is not good but it is what it is for the time being.
My husband is looking for a second job and I am continuing to work my wah job. Mine is not a steady income it varies so it is not something I can count on but it is the only thing I have left at this time.
More updates to come.