I found this nice bible lap-book resource, check it out
Craft, Create, Celebrate Life
I have anxiously waited for this day when our contracts would be over and we would not have to pay an ouch 300.00 to cancel our previous contract.
We will only be using our cell phone for emergency purposes as we are paying for all the minutes we use. Our new phone have a mail box and also text messaging, these two features will save us money on the use of our new cell phone. We can leave messages in our mail box and pick them up on our land line phone. We can send 3 text messages for the price of one minute of talking.
I will mostly be using it to talk to my husband when i need to, everyone else will just have to call me at home. No more chatting on and on with everyone. At 95.00 a month it was some price yakity yaking.
We will see how long we keep our prepaid phone and if they serve the purpose while saving us money. I am estimating that it will cost us approx 20.00 every 3 month, which is a big savings from the 95.00 a month we were paying before.
Tonight we had angel hair pasta, with homemade sauce. I added meat to it as well, from our Angel Food Ministries purchase. I took four meat patties and cut them up into small square and put it in the meal. The kids each had a cup of milk and I had water.
Hubby will eat a snack of maybe a fruit when he gets home from work. He took a sandwich to work of turkey and cheese, with ketchup and mustard.
The Toy Maker a website to make paper toys for kids.