Happy Homemaker Monday ~ Hosted by Sandra
On my bedside table:
A few old copies of Crafting Magazine, ear plug, bottle of water.
On my TV:
About 30+ hrs. of recorded shows on DVR, with no time to watch them. I might have to deleted half or more of those.
On my menu for tonight:
Two steaks stretch out into a stir fry includes rice and veggies.
On my To Do List:
Catch up on some laundry, there is a mountain of it forming.
New Recipe I tried last week
No new recipes tried last week.
In the craft basket:
A few picture to frame for my bathroom.
Looking forward to:
When it will stop raining.
Homemaking tip for this week:
For me it works to wash the kids clothes separate from my husband’s and mines.
Favorite Blog post this week (mine or others):
Too many oh how do I pick just one.
Favorite photo from last week:
Lessons learned the past few days:
The reflection is the mirror is the one who need to change.
On my prayer list:
My kids, husband, family and friends.
Devotional, Key Verses, Scripture Readings:
Have to get back on this one.