Here is a few things I am putting together for a friends baby
shower, this coming Sunday. Doing things with my hands keeps me busy and my mind off thinking about our mounting debt.
Craft, Create, Celebrate Life
by Sandra 2 Comments
Yesterday and Today were the first time in a long time that my husband had two days off completely in over 6 months. My husband has been working two jobs now for approximately that long. Today is very special to us because it is one day totally free, and he doesn’t have a clue what to do with his time.
The kids and I are very glad he will be home all day. In our daunting race to eliminate our debt, this is a good feeling.
So far we are on track to our 2013 goal and hope to be able to if possible move it into 2012. I am going to ramp up after today my own work hour and going to increase the time I put in. OK off I go to enjoy the day, and I might be back to post more today.
Happy Memorial Day to All
When the creditors that we were trying to pay off, first hit us with our first rate increase it hit me like a brick. When all the others did the same, I was like ok this is the game now that my creditors are playing.
I have not used a credit card in over a year, our family has decided to take the opt out option in these instance. They will continue to stick it to us all till July 2010 till it become illegal for them to do that.
If our interst is what the government had in mind they should have made it law right away. The creditors have all this time to raise there profits on us. When this law comes into effect all the slaughter will be over and they will come up on top with bigger profits.
I watch Oprah today about classes. I think I am in the middle class after watching that show, but I don’t think of ourselves as a class.
It made me sad to hear how people who supposedly were friends, turn their noses up on people once the money was gone. We don’t have many friends we can count them on one hand if that, so I know no one hangs around us for what we have to offer.
This show just get my mind going on how complicated our lives are, and how when the boat hits bottom it is usually too late. That is what happened to us we lived making ends meet on credit for so long, it was a little bit at a time. It added up for us to a whopping 35,000.00 approx debt. Now like many we have learned our lesson hopefully and once we get out of the mess we have gotten ourselves in we will never get back into it.
I don’t see myself as a class, now I see myself as living beneath our means, knowing that if the economy goes up or down we can ride the wave.