Trying my hand at creating a card with fancy flowers from MFT.
Craft, Create, Celebrate Life
by Sandra
by Sandra
Since we started up our homeschool year on August 15 I have been struggling to make our time schedule work for our family.
Today is one of those days where I spend lots of time in my car waiting on my son while he is in his activity. First it’s 1 1/2 hrs then 1 hr for the second activity. A total of 2 1/2 hrs of waiting time for me. I am in the process of finding productive activities for me to do while i wait.
Today thought I was so happy when our 1 to 2:30 activity was cancelled. I about did the happy dance right at my computer. hahaha!
I feel like I have been giving some free time I was not planning on having. Yay!
by Sandra
Today is the first day of the school year. It’s a rough start for me the mom enjoyed her Summer break a bit too much. I can see this is going to be harder for me than for the kiddos. Here we go!
by Sandra